Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Today is my last day in Greece for a whole month. I spent the day, so far, packing and reading and lying in the sun. Now I'm waiting for Angeliki to call me (how much do you want to bet she won't call... Natalie? Laura?) about a job interview at a school near Corinth for the summer. Sweet Socrates has offered to drive me there if she bothers to call. Thank Zeus (did I get that from you, Joanna?) someone around here has a car. 

Tonight Alex and I are meeting Jessica for some goodbye-for-a-month drinks. We're going to avoid the tequila and outrageous tabs this time. It took me until recently to realize how much I relied on men to buy me drinks in college. Now if a guy buys me  drink it is my boyfriend and that's basically the same as me buying my own drink... and I can't afford to be buying any drinks right now. We're lucky we could pay the electricity bill this month. (Which is outrageous because of Apokries. Apparently when the city uses a lot of electricity for a holiday they just split the costs among electricity-payers. So instead of a 20 euro bill we had a 40 euro bill. I didn't even enjoy Apokries. And the light-up clowns up and down the street were just creepy.) 

Well I'm going to go get myself together. Wish me luck tomorrow. I'm worried the reliable (ha) Greek train system won't be so reliable. I will pray to the Prostiako gods. 

(this post is dedicated to all the men that have spent their hard-earned money on getting me drunk)

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