Thursday, May 29, 2008

Football, Volley Ball, whatever

Summer has arrived. And by summer I mean the summer NH never experiences. The 37 degrees C type of summer. It actually isn't toooo bad yet, but I'm not sure I can even go running today for fear of heatstroke. Better join the gym. At the very least it will give me an hour or two of air-conditioned relief from the weather. Funny how in a year my perspective can change... instead of wanting to spend every free minute lying in the sun, I want to avoid it. I guess I know I'm going to get plenty of sun this summer... Which brings me to a point: I'm becoming Greek. Or, maybe not exactly... but I've managed to LOOK just a little bit American until recently... but yesterday I saw my reflection in the train windows when it went by and I could barely distinguish myself from the other girls. My hair was wavy, I was wearing too much makeup, twisted-leather Greek sandals, European-clothing (my little What Not To Wear In Europe personal shopper... aka my boyfriend... recently took me on a little shopping spree)... no one can tell I'm not Greek until I open my mouth or use my ipod. The guy at the train ticket booth that morning told me I looked like Kalomoira. This is getting a little strange because I'm not sure I see the resemblance. Anyway... what else is new...? Alex and I bought a football (soccer ball) the other day! We haven't had a free minute to use it, but I'm psyched. Like, reallyyyy excited. When I got home yesterday there was a volleyball next to the football. The moment I saw it I knew what had happened. Alex's mom had seen the football and said 'Alex! You already have one!' And found his volleyball in some deep dark closet. Then Alex tried to explain the difference but she still thought it was silly to buy a FOOTBALL when a VOLLEY BALL is so similar. (I confirmed my guess with Alex and it went pretty-much exactly like that.) 

Cheers to MY mom for not only knowing the difference between soccer balls and volleyballs but ALSO being a decent player herself. (Find THAT in Greece...) 

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