Sunday, May 4, 2008

Runner's High

So we're back in Paris and I've decided it is my favorite city. Not that I've been to that many cities, but I think Paris pretty much has everything you could want from a city. The only problem is everyone seems to speak French... but that's something ONLY an American would have issues with. My French is improving a little bit which is nice except that my mind will get crowded again with Greek and Russian soon enough that it won't make a difference. 

Now regarding the blog title: I love running in France. This morning I went to the park and half of Paris was running. There were even little kids running! And there were yoga classes... and it was all just very nice. I think I'd drop dead from shock if I saw something like that in Greece. (Funny how perspective changes so quickly.) 

Anyway, we've been in Paris since Friday night with Murielle and Auguste (spellings butchered I'm sure: sorry). It was Auguste's birthday yesterday and he took us out to a reallyyyy nice restaurant where just an entree (little rant: entree means APPETIZER not MAIN COURSE you stupid stupid American restaurants) cost more than I usually spend on food for a week. 

I promise I will write more when I have something more exciting to say.

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