Monday, July 21, 2008

Bad Blogger, Bad

Sorry for the lack of posts. Sometimes there is too much going on to get it together enough to write about it. Perhaps I'll start from the most recent and work backwards.

Today: I worked all day and was sad because it is looking like this K1 visa might take even longer than we thought... and I honestly can't bare the thought of not being with Alex for *gulp* 6 months. It looks like I'll move to Ukraine for a few months in December if things haven't progressed by then. Ah the stress. I'm starting to wish (well part of me is) I was staying here a little longer... Also, I made a pizza from scratch that wasn't very good.

Yesterday: We helped Laura move into her amazingggg new apartment. It was actually fun. (Moving? Fun?) I had that giddy moving feeling even though I wasn't the one moving. I guess the fact that she managed to recruit like 300 guys (or 6) to help her made things less stressful (not stressful at all) for me. And I'm happy that things worked out and she got in all safe and sound.

Day before yesterday: I went into Athens and had coffee with my boss. He was supposed to pay me too, but instead didn't pay me, made me pay for the coffees and gave me more work. (Okay, so he forgot his wallet.) I had a nice time though.

Is it sad that I can't remember what I did the day before that? Worked, I assume. I pretty much do a lot of that since I sort of have three jobs at the moment. I also went to a sweet concert with Laura last week which was really nice. Greek concerts are like American concerts but with Ouzo and souvlakia. Well, kind of.

Anyway, basically, I am enjoying my last weeks in Greece and I'm freaking out about leaving my boyfriend. I guess I hadn't quite realized how attached-at-the-hip we are.

Alright, off to rent a cheery DVD with the boy.

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