Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One Year

Today officially marks Alex and my one-year anniversary. Well, officially only because we decided on the 18th because we never had a real "Let's be boyfriend and girlfriend" moment. The day didn't start so well... at 5 am we had an earthquake and had to go outside in case of an aftershock or something and I never got back to sleep. Then Alex went to work and I did some work/got some groceries (I tried to buy Alex that new on-the-rocks tequila but accidentally bought rum. I also left my groceries at the register after paying for them "coritsie mou? you idiot you left your bags". And I gave a beggar with a tiny child 2 Euros... I think because I'm currently reading Orwell's "Down and Out in Paris and London".) Then my boss called and said "oh yeah can you do blah blah blah and blah before you come in tomorrow?" I spent most of the afternoon working and baking an anniversary cake. It looks edible but very home made, with a heart made out of pieces of white chocolate. I don't think Alex really likes cake, but I think he'll like the idea of me baking for him. When he gets home we're going out for a late lunch (or regular dinner in America) and then going out to watch Greece and Russia play Spain and Sweden respectively. I'm becoming Euro Cup OBSESSED.

Ok back to work, let's hope we get through the rest of the day with no more earthquakes... and Alex likes his cake.

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