Sunday, June 8, 2008


Welcome back earthquakes. Even though we HADN'T had one in months, every time the wind blows too hard or Alex shakes the bed I panic for a split second... which is why it's sort of ironic that today when the earthquake (a 6.5 in Patras) hit at first I thought it was just a strong wind. Then I saw everyone crossing themselves and I turned around and watched Corinth sway for about 60 seconds. When it stopped Alex ran home to make sure his mom was OK and she called me a moment later in histerics but OK. Everything glass on our shelves was broken and the TV had fallen off the shelf but she managed to catch it so it didn't break. In Patras, two people were killed. (BBC NEWS) Earthquakes are the biggest reason I want to go home. I hate living in fear of them... and maybe I'm overreacting but I really am afraid. I guess this crosses San Francisco off my list of future-residences. 

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