Sunday, May 11, 2008

Thank You Grandpa and Ellen

It is 11:30  on Saturday night. Tomorrow I head to Greece. By tomorrow I mean I have to wake up in 4 and a half hours. It seems the only decently cheap (EasyJet obvi) flight from Orly to Athens is at 6 am... since the last three times I've made the trip it has been at that time. 

Anyway, I am really sad. Like, crying right now sad. It's funny how fast you can grow accustomed to something, to someplace, some people. I feel like I'm being drawn and quartered. I want to be so many different places at once. I want to be here with my family, in Greece with Alex, home in NH with my (immediate) family and back in the states with my friends. Even this summer I want to somehow dash between France and Greece. 

If the life of the traveler is a lonely one, I know why. 

I would also like to thank, via-my-blog my grandpa and Ellen for taking better care of me than I could have ever asked for. Greece is going to seem quite the downgrade from life here. They've taught me a very important lesson though, one that I'm not sure I can articulate but I'll try:

Ellen said to me the other day, "In the world there are givers and there are takers." (She is, clearly, a giver.) The way the world works smoothly is not by everyone insuring their survival or happiness by TAKING what they feel is theirs, but by everyone GIVING what they can. (Alex and his mom also demonstrate this.) In this way, you begin a cycle. When I grow up you can bet I will spoil the hell out of my granddaughter if she shows up on my doorstep impoverished and far from home. Or even if she doesn't. 

In the world there are givers and there are takers, but everyone should strive to be a giver because in they end it is only they who are truly rich. 

Anyway... thank you two for:
-taking me to Corsica
-feeding me better than I've ever been fed (continuously) before (including sushi several times)
-buying me nice things
-giving me intellectual conversation every night (including a new understand of nuclear energy) 
-taking me to Versailles 
-putting up with me talking about Alex all the time
-supporting any crazy plans I may have in my head involving the future
-getting me an LSAT book
-and about a billion other things but I'll stop here because now I only have 4 hours and 10 minutes to sleep...

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