Today was a good day. Or at least compared to what I thought it was going to be. I had to go into Athens to pick up some work and before I left I sort of panicked. I think it had something to do with the fact that I haven't had to navigate Greece alone (read: speak Greek) in quite a long time now. Oddly, though, instead of forgetting Greek this last month my comprehension seems to have improved. In fact, I managed an entire taxi/metro/train fiasco ALL in Greek AND without any total screw ups. (Apparently on Tuesdays and Thursdays now the
Kiato-Piraeus train goes to the
aerodromio, not Piraeus. Totally logical. And extremely
inconvenient for those of us who want to go to Piraeus from
Korinthos. (On the way back I had to take the metro to Larissa Station to buy a
Prostiako ticket, get back on the metro, switch lines, go to the
Naza****** [insert here name of station I cannot pronounce] station and then wait for another train instead of the usual "buy ticket. get on train".) Anyway, I was pretty shocked at how much Greek I was understanding throughout this, which is a pretty amazing feeling. (Like: Oh hey maybe I'm not THAT dumb.) But I sort of realized that the stage of language-comprehension I'm at is kind of like those vocabulary exercises we did when we were kids. As if parts of sentences just aren't there. "Is this where the _____ store is?" "Please _____ me go _______ tomorrow." I've just gotten decent at filling in the blanks. Sometimes. Other times I can't understand a bloody word of Greek. I haven't figured out why. Part of it is that sometimes I just don't listen, or, well, try at all.
So anyway, besides functioning like a semi normal person (which it seems I feel the need to brag about) on my journey to Athens, I also picked up a decent amount of work, got some copies of "Summer on The Island" and "Easter in The Village" (the books I wrote that I will never get credit for) AND had my first freddo of the season with Laura. AND Laura brought me SALSA, coriander seeds and some other food-stuffs I can't seem to find around here. (Thank you again agapi mouuuu!) And then I went home to my boyfriend.
The End.
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