Friday, May 9, 2008


Much to say. Sometimes blogging is like homework you don't want to do. Other times it is not. 

Mmmm Sailors
I was walking along La Siene the other day and decided I should be a better photographer than I am. I mean how hard can it be? If I can appreciate nice photographs, why can't I TAKE nice photographs? (Mr. I-hate-Elena photoshop teaching junior year of high school might have had an answers to this question.) So anyway, I was playing with the settings on my camera... you know the MANUAL ones... and I was totally engrossed in the act of photographing a pretty tree jutting out into the river. I was leaning over the barrier adjusting my camera just so when someone came up behind me and said (in French) something like "photographing those men?" I turned around. "Uhh..." And then I saw it. Directly in front of me (but a centimeter below where I had been looking) was a boat. And on the boat were men. Half naked men. Men in Speedos. Men in Speedos lifting heavy objects. My jaw dropped, mostly because I honestly had no idea they were there. "Uhhh um non, non..." The man who had come up behind me laughed and smiled. I giggled and blushed and started to walk away. Just then the man leaned over towards the men and called to them (in French)
"This little girl was taking pictures of you!" He pointed at me and I fled.  

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