Sunday, January 18, 2009

Babies & What To Wear

Yesterday morning we got a call that one of Alex's friends just had a baby. According to tradition this means the couple's closest friends get together and eat Oliviera (Russian salad) and drink vodka with the father. The mother is still in the hospital which I find very unfair. Alexandr better be holding my hand in that hospital room until I come home. I'm not even sure if I'll allow him to leave to get coffee. (This is my hypothetical future pregnancy by the way.) Anyway, we were supposed to get picked up at 8 pm, but at 5:30 his other friends call us and tell us they will be there in half an hour. At the time Alex and I were sprawled out on the bed un-showered.

Which brings me to What To Wear:

Alex left in half an hour (being a guy he can get ready in 30 minutes) and they agreed to go shopping and then meet me in another half hour. I showered and began to get dressed which ended up with me throwing every outfit I own (not a whole lot here) on the bed and standing in front of the mirror naked. Finally I decided on a little black dress, sweater and tall black boots. And then I changed my mind and put on a jean skirt instead. What do you wear to a yay-you-had-a-baby-party. When Alex got home I asked him if what I was wearing was okay (often when I ask that he says no. You're wearing heels to go sledding? Those are summer jeans, it is -25C out... Won't that jacket get dirty (you know what I'm talking about, Jackie).) Anyway he says "you look beautiful" but then we get out the door and he says "Maybe you should have just worn jeans, you're going to be cold."

Okay, so, basically I dress incorrectly for every occasion all the time. When we went snowboarding in Karpati, Oksana was like "Wow that is the first time I've seen you dress appropriately (in snowpants)." Clearly this is because I never understand what we're doing and Alex never seems to tell me until we're leaving the apartment. Maybe I should start asking before I get dressed. Or having him dress me.

Anyway, back to the baby.

We had a nice little party at the house of the new parents but I couldn't get over the fact that the father wasn't with his wife.

In conclusion, I refuse to have a kid anywhere but America and I need to a new wardrobe.

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