Friday, August 15, 2008


I'm home. Last night my parents picked me up from the airport and we had a late night Japanese-style dinner. Then Rick and I drank some American beer and mom and I stayed up half the night (despite not having slept in two days) talking. Eventually I went to bed under my down comforter and woke up freezing. It just isn't 104 degrees here and I won't be able to get used to it. I woke up at 8 this morning, again despite the lack of sleep and have been drinking coffee (okay, plural. Coffees.) and talking. I'm giddy to be home but nervous to start my day because I have an incredible amount of stuff to do today. First thing, ride my pony. (Last night I went out to the barn and called her name and she came galloping in from the pasture and the first thing she did was smell me all over. She sniffed my face for a good five minutes before she realized I brought her food.)

Anyway, I'm home. I miss Alex, but I'm home and happy to be here. It feels surprisingly natural. I'll try to make lots of phone calls today but feel free to call me at 603.547.6278!

Love, Elena

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