Thursday, February 12, 2009


Arg. I feel like I'm leaving Alex already... even though we have a good three weeks left together. How could time pass so quickly? It looks like I'll only be back in America for about 2 months though, so that time will pass quickly too... just enough time to make some money and hop back to Ukraine for a lovely summer. I'm really looking forward to summer. Hopefully I'll make some hops to Western Europe and Egypt and I'm looking forward to Chernigov in the summer. When it isn't perpetually grey. There's a chance we might spend the summer at the Black Sea instead, but part of me wants to stay here where I'm starting to make friends. This week has been a little strange. Tuesday was the anniversary of the day, 5(?) years ago that Alex's best friend died. He left for the cemetery in the morning and Nasya came over for tea and some girl time (which oh my God I need). We hadn't even finished a cup when the boys came trudging back. They had planned to go drink vodka (no way!) at someone's house but it fell through so they ended up here. Nastya and I took on the wifey roles (she is much better at that than I) and cut up fish and vegetables and bread and poured the boys vodka. We ended up sitting around with them toasting and drinking all day. It was fun, but it was sad to see Alex in so much pain. And I know him well enough to recognize pain... Anyway, we ended up staying up half the night that night which has thrown us off as far as sleep and now Alex and I both seem to be insomniacs. Which sucks. Even getting up early, we cannot seem to get to bed before 4 or 5. And not being able to sleep is one of my least favorite things on earth. 

Off for now... need to study Russian and, er, watch Gossip Girl... my new obsession. 

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