Yesterday was a lovely day. The weather was perfect. I went running in the more, lounged by the pool, read on the beach, took a walk on the cliffs… and then we had some people over for dinner. I even attempted to speak French. I am fascinated by how Greek seems to flow out of my mouth when I try to speak any language besides English. I mean my French isn’t great but, somewhere smushed in my head, I have an OK vocabulary. I bet, though, if I concentrated, my French would be better than my Greek in no time. (Tough huh?) It is totally third on my list to learn after Greek and Russian.
I thought of twelve billion things I wanted to blog yesterday and, per usual, I remember nothing. I had a lot of time to let my mind wander while everyone took part in interesting political conversations that I couldn’t understand. I tried. Like I backed up the claim that marijuana is not physically addictive. As for the topics of genetically modified food and colonialism, my views are slightly less strong.
When Joanna went to
So my LSAT book isn’t coming. Apparently Amazon can’t find it. Stupid Amazon. I’m a little bummed since being here would be a good time to study without the stress of everyday life and I’d have my grandpa to help me… but I guess I’ve set myself into a pretty good schedule… and I’ve gotten gobs of work done. And plus, the boyfriend will be working a lot this summer, so I will have a lot of time without distractions. I wonder how successful studying on the beach would be…
Ah well, time to head for another run and another beautiful Corsican day. I’m seriously going to miss runs around here when I get back to nobody-runs Greece.
(Also, I’m going to wear my Nero Bravo shirt because I doubt many people can read Greek here. Woot.)
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